It was a rainy day when I moved to Karve Nagar in Pune. The very next day, as part of a 'healthy' diet, I went to buy fruits from a nearby 'fruits & vegetables' vendor. A teenage boy whose height was almost the same as mine welcomed me with a 'Good Morning, Sir' and a big smile on his face. This was the first time I had been greeted by a 'fruits & vegetables' vendor, a pleasant surprise indeed. He asked, ' Kya chahiye Sir?' Ahh, this was the second time he had called me 'Sir', which I didn't like. I took some bananas and fresh oranges, paid the bill and turned to head back to my room. The moment I turned, a lady in her 40's (yes yes 20'sЁЯШВ) just entered the shop and I heard, "Kya Chahiye, Ma'am?" 'Sir'ing and 'Mam'ing' was humming in my mind. The next time I went, he once again called me 'Sir'. This time I started with my usual ice-breaker question: "Where are you fr...
The moist tar road was running backward as the modified navy blue colored enticer with its "U" shaped handles and graffiti of blazing fire on its petrol tank was racing on the road with an above average speed. Avantika's half-scarlet-red half dark black hairs were flying in the air, indicating that a kickass, stupendous, independent, and free girl is riding the bike. The back seat was empty this time. But she had a companion. A Wooly, spongy, crystal-white colored Persian cat named "Go-Go" by his "cat mom" was sitting on the petrol tank trying to manage its balance...But no need to worry...he was held tight by the "Avantika-made cat balancer", which was holding the cat just like the "Kangaroo's pouch." A loud whirring sound of the engine was cracking through the air...The "Scooterwali" i.e. Durga was riding her modified banana-yellow colored "hamara bajaj" with its Stepney made parallel to the ground, trying...