It was a rainy day when I moved to Karve Nagar in Pune. The very next day, as part of a 'healthy' diet, I went to buy fruits from a nearby 'fruits & vegetables' vendor. A teenage boy whose height was almost the same as mine welcomed me with a 'Good Morning, Sir' and a big smile on his face. This was the first time I had been greeted by a 'fruits & vegetables' vendor, a pleasant surprise indeed. He asked, ' Kya chahiye Sir?' Ahh, this was the second time he had called me 'Sir', which I didn't like. I took some bananas and fresh oranges, paid the bill and turned to head back to my room. The moment I turned, a lady in her 40's (yes yes 20's😂) just entered the shop and I heard, "Kya Chahiye, Ma'am?" 'Sir'ing and 'Mam'ing' was humming in my mind. The next time I went, he once again called me 'Sir'. This time I started with my usual ice-breaker question: "Where are you fr...